
Thursday, October 31, 2019

[Being Cyberesmart in a Learn Create Share World]

In Cybersmart we thought about LCSW(Learn,Create,Share and World) and then Rm 7 searched 5 images. 

The sentence on my phonographic picture was "Being Cybersmart in a Learn Create Share World." Ko te tu atamai i te ipurangi  ki te ao ako, hanga, tohartoha".

Then we made a digital poster to show my learning.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pause and think

Think... Thinking about how much your family loves you.

Feel... Feeling means that you are feeling stuff.

Balance... Balance means that you are hanging on the tree.

Listen... Listening to your heart pounding.

Stand... Stand for your self and friends.

Monday, August 19, 2019


Red velvet dress black button And one green leg Gazing at the blue sky

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Introduction:My mum came home after her work. She wanted to play on her phone. 

Problem:Suddenly she lost her phone at work. She was thinking where she put it. She forgot where she put it. She was playing with it there talking to her friends. I said to my mum did you put it down somewhere? She said no i did not put it down. 

Solution:Suddenly one of her friends found it at work. My mum was happy.

Friday, July 26, 2019


In the weekends me , brother , sister and my mum went to my Nanny and papa house on Friday. Our papa droped us up there when we got there I saw my cousin Grace. We where playing tag and hide and seek. After the games we where playing on my ipad. The games we where playing was minecraft , Animal jam and pixcel gun 3D. Then after those games my cousin Grace went home.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

mosaic art.

  • last week we moasic art about Rangitoto.On Wednsday we needed to see the Waka boat,room 12s art work and some kind of stuff.last Tuesday we did moasic art for Rangitoto.I needed help with my Rangitoto art Becuase Joshua was not helping me Becuase he was tierd.Aston was a big helper becuase he was working really hard.when the bell went for morning tea my teacher told me i could do my moasic Rangitoto.bell went for the finshed play my teacher chooised my helpers.all we need is two glue sticks,lots of moasics,and a big yellow paper.

Friday, February 22, 2019

my first blogpost

I like room 7 because its cool in rm 7.In room 7 because we get to do art,writing,maths,and reading. cool because we play with new friends and new is fun because we play on the playground,and the is fun because we play soccer and octopus to.I like school because